(Written by Howard, P)
- Use as an extension.
- Contents: numeration to 19,
- addition facts to 10,
- subtraction facts to 10,
- multiplication-rows and groups,
- division-equal sharing,
- number names 11-19,
- addition and subtraction facts to 20 introduced one at a time,
- making groups of 20-99,
- making groups of 20-99,
- fractions,
- multiplication tables of twos,
- counting to 100,
- division-equal sharing and grouping,
- fractions using hundredths,
- 20-addition and subtraction facts,
- revision money recognition of notes,
- coins and ordering value,
- length - measuring with formal units,
- using standard units for measurement,
- comparing area of shapes,
- tessellation temperature,
- time-digital and analogue clocks,
- calendar,
- volume,
- mass-measurement using formal units,
- 2 D space,
- making patterns using flip sides and turns;
- straight and curved lines,
- 3D shapes,
- 3D cross sections and nets,
- graphs.
Grade/s 2 | 60 Pages | 180 Grams