(Written by Howard, P)
- Use as extension.
- Contents: Numbers to 99,999;
- expanded notation,
- rounding off and square numbers;
- addition revision to 2,999 with and without trading;
- use of zero in addition to 9,999;
- addition to 9,999 with trading:
- problems using addition:
- subtraction from four digit numbers with and without trading and practising zero;
- multiplying tens and hundreds;
- multiplying using extended forms to 999,
- contracted forms,
- contracted algorithms with trading:
- problems using mathematics;
- factors and multiples;
- division of two digit numbers with and without trading and with and without remainders;
- problems using division;
- using addition and division to find averages;
- using our money shopping and subtracting dollars and cents to $1,000;
- percentages - profit and loss: fractions and decimals;
- space using co-ordinates;
- using graph and tally marks;
- polygons;
- properties of cylinders, cones and spheres;
- angles, straight, right, acute, obtuse;
- measurement-volume and capacity;
- area-the hectare;
- temperature-Celsius thermometer;
- 24 hour stop watches;
- cubic centimetre,
- soma cube;
- graphs-using line graphs,
- mass - using kilograms and grams.