(Written by Howard, P)
- Use as an extension
- Contents: Numbers to 999,999;
- Roman numerals,
- Hindu-Arabic system,
- addition-revision to 9,999 with trading and use of zero,
- addition between 99,999 addition of decimals,
- addition of money,
- subtraction to 99,999 with and without trading and use of zero,
- one million,
- using numbers greater than one million,
- subtraction of decimals,
- subtraction of money,
- problems using decimals and money,
- problems involving addition and subtraction to 99,999
- multiplication by 10,
- multiplication to 99,999;
- using the contracted algorithms with trading,
- further practise with the use of zero,
- extended multiplication by two digit numbers
- multiplication of decimals,
- division of four digit numbers,
- written algorithms and division by tens,
- division by two digit numbers,
- division of decimals,
- further division problems,
- factors and multiples,
- converting fractions, and decimals,
- fractions,
- addition of fractions,
- subtraction of fractions,
- multiplication of fractions,
- dividing whole numbers by fractions,
- dividing fraction by whole numbers,
- percentages,
- percentage discounts,
- simple interest,
- scale,
- lines and angles,
- areas of quadrilaterals,
- hectare and square kilometres,
- areas of triangles,
- mass using the tonne,
- graphs,
- time throughout the world,
- using a street directory,
- turning symmetry,
- mass and volume,
- revision.