(Written by Marett, V) Contents: Writing Checklist, A Word for a Phrase, Nouns, Verbs, Comprehension;-Slaves in Ancient Rome, Critical Thinking, Homophones, Adjectives, Forming Adjectives, Adverbs, Prepositions, Comprehension; Education in Rome, Critical Thinking 2, Writing a Resume, Ambiguity, Synonyms and Antonyms, Subject, Predicate, Object, Subject and Predicate: CoWriting Checklist, Antonyms, Adverbial Clauses, Comprehension: The Rise of Islam; Background, Analysing and Comparing Films and Text Types, Australian Idioms, Word Knowledge, More Adverbial Clauses, Comprehension: The Spread of Islam, Analysing and Comparing Films and Text Types Foreign Words & Phrases, Incorrect Sentences, Prefixes, Correct Usage, Adverbial Phrase, Comprehension: A Moslem Empire, Critical Thinking: My Beliefs or Values, Apostrophes, Correct Punctuation, Adjectival or Adverbial Phrases, Comprehension: Islamic Culture & Civilisation, Comparing Like Texts, Using Better Words, One Word for Many, Word Knowledge: Nouns, Adverbial & Adjectival Clauses, Comprehension: The Effects of Islam on Civilisation, Writing a Business Letter, Keeping a Diary, Word Knowledge: Word Families, Analogies, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives, Parts of Sentences, Comprehension: After Rome's Decline, Advertising, Anagrams, Acronyms, Personal Pronouns, Parts of Sentences, Comprehension: Charles Martel & His Heirs, Critical Thinking: Advertising, Match Meanings, Word Forms, Phrases, Comprehension: Pepin, Caricature, Missing Subject, Who Goes With What, Misused Words, Correct Word, Clauses, Comprehension: Charlemagne, Identifying Poetry Terms, Find the Correct Word, Latin Roots, Proper Form, Adjectival & Adverbial Clauses 2, Comprehension: Further Campaigns by Charlemagne, Identifying Poetry Terms 2, Change to Nouns, Change to Verbs, Needless Repetition, Faulty Sentences, Comprehension: Charlemagne's Conquest of Spain, Critical Thinking: Freedoms, Correct Form of Word, Revision: Antonym, Adverbial Clause, Australian Idioms, Incorrect Sentences, Foreign Words & Phrases, Adverbial Phrases, Correct Punctuation, Adjectival or Adverbial Phrases, Word Knowledge, Clauses or Phrases; Analogies, Comparative & Superlative Adjectives, Advertising, Parts of Sentences, Anagrams, Parts of Sentences, Acronyms, Phrases, Match Meanings, Clauses.mmands, Exclamations & Questions, Roman Government, Understanding Poetry, Antonyms, Using the Correct...
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